Understanding the Master Index Standardization Engine


This rule checks the input value against a list of values in the specified normalization file, and, if the value is found, converts the input value to its normalized value. This generally used for postprocessing but can also be used for preprocessing tokens. The normalization files are located in the same directory as the process definition file (the instance folder for the data type or variant).

The syntax for dictionary is:

<dictionary resource="file_name" separator="delimiter"/>

The parameters for dictionary are:

Example 1 Sample dictionary Rule

The following sample checks the input value against the list in the first column of the givenNameNormalization.txt file, which uses a pipe symbol (|) to separate the input value from its normalized version. When a value is matched, the input value is converted to its normalization version.

<dictionary resource="givenNameNormalization.txt" separator="\|"/>