Understanding the Master Index Standardization Engine


This rule checks the input value against a specific regular expression to see if the patterns match. You can define a sequence of patterns by including them all in order in a matchAllPatterns element. You can also specify sub-patterns to exclude. The syntax for pattern is:

<pattern regex="regex_pattern"/>

The parameter for pattern is:

The pattern rule can be further customized by adding exceptFor rules that define patterns to exclude in the matching process. The syntax for exceptFor is:

<pattern regex="regex_pattern"/>
   <exceptFor regex="regex_pattern"/>

The parameter for exceptFor is:

Example 5 Sample pattern Rule

The following sample checks the input value against the sequence of patterns to see if the input value might be an area code. These rules specify a pattern that matches three digits contained in parentheses, such as (310).

   <pattern regex="regex="\("/>
   <pattern regex="regex="\[0-9]{3}"/>
   <pattern regex="regex="\)"/>

The following sample checks the input value to see if its pattern is a series of three letters excluding THE and AND.

<pattern regex="[A-Z]{3}">
   <exceptFor regex="regex="THE"/>
   <exceptFor regex="regex="AND"/>