Understanding the Master Index Standardization Engine

Address Master Clues File

The address master clues file (masterClues.dat) lists common terms in street addresses as defined by the United States Postal Service (USPS), the United Kingdom’s Royal Mail, the Australian Postal Corporation, or France’s La Poste (depending on the variant in use). For each common term, this file specifies a normalized value, defines postal information, and categorizes the terms into street address component types. A term can be categorized into multiple component types.

The syntax of this file is:

ID-number common-term normalized-term short-abbrev postal-abbrev CFCCS type-token usage-flag postal-flag

You can modify or add entries in this table as needed. The following table describes the columns in the address master clues file.

Table 5 Address Master Clue File Columns




A unique identification number for the address common term. This number corresponds to an ID number for the same term in the address clues file. 


A common address term, such as Park, Village, North, Route, Centre, and so on. 


The normalized version of the common term. 


A short abbreviation of the common term. 


The standard postal abbreviation of the common term. 


The census feature class code of the term (as defined in the Census Tiger® database). The following values are used:

  • A – Road

  • B – Railroad

  • C – Miscellaneous

  • D – Landmark

  • E – Physical feature

  • F – Nonvisible feature

  • H – Hydrography

  • X – Unclassified


The type of address component represented by the common term. Types are specified by an address token (for more information, see Address Type Tokens).


A flag indicating how the term is used (for more information, see Pattern Classes)


The standard postal code for the term. 

Following is an excerpt from the US address master clues file.

11Alley                    Alley            Al         Aly A        TY R U
12Alternate Route          Alt Rte          Alt        Alt A        TY R
15Arcade                   Arcade           Arc        Arc A        TY R U
16Arroyo                   Arroyo           Arryo      ArryHA       TY R
17Autopista                Atpta            Apta       AptaA        TY R
18Avenida                  Avenida          Ava        Ava A        TY R
19Avenue                   Avenue           Ave        Ave A        TY R U
26Boulevard                Blvd             Blvd       BlvdA        TY R U
32Bulevar                  Blvr             Blv        Blv A        TY R
33Business Route           Bus Rte          BusRt      BsRtA        TY R
34Bypass                   Bypass           Byp        Byp A        TY R U
36Calle                    Calle            Calle      ClleA        TY R
37Calleja                  Calleja          Cja        Cja A        TY R
38Callejon                 Callej           Cjon       CjonA        TY R
39Camino                   Camino           Cam        Cam A        TY R
47Carretera                Carrt            Carr       CarrA        TY R
48Causeway                 Cswy             Cswy       CswyAH       TY R U
51Center                   Center           Ctr        Ctr DA       TY R U