Understanding the Master Index Standardization Engine

Business Industry Key Type File

The industry key type file (bizIndustryTypeKeys.dat) is used to standardize the value of the Industry field into common industries to which businesses belong so the standardization engine can recognize and process the industry types for different businesses. You can add entries to the industry key type file using the following syntax.

industry-type standardized-form sectors

The following table describes each column in the industry key type file.

Table 18 Industry Key Type File




The original value of the industry type in the input record. 


The normalized version of the industry type. If this column contains a name instead of a zero, that name must also be listed in a different entry as an industry type with a standardized form of “0”. 


The industry categories of the specified industry type. These values correspond to the sector codes listed in the industry sector file (bizIndustryCategoryCode.dat). You can list as many categories as apply for each type, but they must be entered with a space between each and no line breaks, and they must correspond to an entry in the industry sector file.

Below is an excerpt from the industry key type file.

TECH                TECHNOLOGY          05001-05007
TECHNOLOGIES        TECHNOLOGY          05001-05007
TECHNOLOGY          0                   05001-05007
TECHSYSTEMS         0                   05001-05007
TELE PHONE          TELEPHONE           16005
TELE PHONES         TELEPHONES          16005
TELEVISION          TV                  11013  21014
TELECOM             0                   16005  26006  26009  26010
TELECOMM            TELECOMMUNICATION   16005  26006  26008
TELECOMMUNICATION   0                   16005  26006  26008