Understanding the Master Index Standardization Engine

Defining the Service Instance

The serviceInstance.xml file for each variant defines the name of the variant, the data type it modifies, and additional Java class information.

ProcedureTo Define the Service Instance

  1. Create a file named serviceInstance.xml at the top level of your working directory.

    Tip –

    You can copy a service instance file from an existing variant in the data type to which you will add the new variant, and then modify it for the new variant.

  2. Define values for the elements and attributes described in Service Instance Definition File.

    This example defines a new Spanish variant to the PersonName data type.

    <serviceInstance type="PersonName">
      <description>Person Name Standardization: Spain</description>
      <parameter name="dataType" value="PersonName" />
      <parameter name="variantType" value="SP" />
        <property name="stylesheetURL" 
        <property name="urlSource" >
          <bean class="com.sun.inti.components.url.ResourceURLSource">
            <property name="resourceName" value="standardizer.xml />

    Note –

    The value you enter for the variantType parameter must match the name you want the variant to display in the Standardization folder of the master index project.

  3. Save and close the file.

  4. Continue to Defining the State Model and Processing Rules.