Understanding the Master Index Standardization Engine

Creating the Working Directory

The working directory for custom data types requires a specific structure. At a minimum, the working directory will look similar to the following:


If the date type has several variants, the directory structure will not include the Generic folder, but will contain several folders named by the variants name in its place. Each variant folder must be of the same structure as the Generic folder shown above. The resource directory might also contain several normalization and lexicon files.

ProcedureTo Create the Working Directory

  1. Create a working directory and add a lib and an instance directory at the top level.

  2. Copy the files standardizer-api.jar and standardizer-impl.jar from /NetBeans_Home/soa2/modules/ext/mdm/standardizer/lib to the lib directory.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • If the data type only has one variant, create the following directory structure in the instance directory:


    • If the data type has several variants, create the following directory structure in the instance directory for each variant:


  4. Continue to Defining the Service Type.