Understanding the Master Index Standardization Engine

Configuring a Standardization Structure for Telephone Numbers

For free–form name fields, the source fields you define for standardization should include the standardization components predefined for the PhoneNumber data type. For example, any fields containing telephone number information can include the country code, area code, phone number, and extension. The target fields you define can include any of these parsed fields. Follow the instructions under Defining Master Index Standardization Rules in Configuring Sun Master Indexes to define fields for standardization. For the standardization-type element, enter PhoneNumber. For a list of field IDs to use in the standardized-object-field-id element, see Telephone Number Standardization Components.

A sample standardization structure for telephone number data is shown below. No variant is defined in this structure because the standardization rules apply to global numbers.

   <group standardization-type="PHONENUMBER"