Using Database Operations

Prepared Statement

A Prepared Statement OTD represents a SQL statement that has been compiled. Fields in the OTD correspond to the input values that users need to provide.

Prepared statements can be used to perform insert, update, delete and query operations. A prepared statement uses a question mark (?) as a place holder for input. For example:

insert into EMP_TAB(Age, Name, Dept No) value(?, ?, ?)

To execute a prepared statement, set the input parameters and call executeUpdate() and specify the input values if any.

getPrepStatement().getPreparedStatementTest().setName(”Peter Pan’);

Note –

Drivers must be able to support metadata calls to view column information. Some drivers may not support metadata calls, in which case you must add the columns manually. For drivers that do support metadata calls, prefill the column information. For drivers that do not support the meta data call, column information can be left blank.