In the Inbound SAP BAPI eWay node, of the SAP BAPI External System properties window, a new Server Security Settings section has been created. You can specify the SNC properties in this section.
If you select Yes for the value of Enable SNC then you must specify the following parameters:
SNC Library Path : The path to the Security Library you are using. For example: <your drive>:/Secude/secude.dll
X.509 Certificate: The certificate information of your Client PSE
SNC My Name: The name you specified for the Client PSE. For example: p:CN=RFC, OU=IT, O=CSW, C=DE
SNC Level of Protection: Level of data protection for connections initiated by the SAP System. You can specify the following Level of Protection values:
1: Apply authentication only
2: Apply integrity protection (authentication)
3: Apply privacy protection (integrity and authentication)
8: Apply the default protection
9: Apply the maximum protection
To use the values "8" or "9", you need to make sure you have set the instance parameters snc/data_protection/max and snc/data_protection/use during the SNC configuration on the SAP Server.