About Application Adapters

SWIFTNet InterAct

SWIFTNet InterAct provides secure and reliable exchange of individual structured financial messages. SWIFT customers’ messaging requirements vary from customer to customer but also from message to message. SWIFTNet InterAct offers you a broad range of telecommunication modes.

Store-and-Forward Messaging

SWIFTNet InterAct’s store-and-forward capability is designed for messages that are destined for a large number of correspondents, many of whom may not be online at the time of transmission. It removes the uncertainty and inconvenience of worrying about whether or not your correspondents are on-line at the time you send the message. The message is delivered as soon as the recipient is ready to receive it. As a result, it provides an ideal way to send individual instructions, confirmations, and reports to large numbers of correspondents, some of whom may be in different time zones.

Real-Time Messaging

Real-time messaging offers a low-cost alternative to store-and-forward for messages which are destined for correspondents that are online at the time of transmission. As a result, it is ideal for sending individual instructions, confirmations, and reports to a few large correspondents, or for messages to market infrastructures.