About Application Adapters

The SWIFT Alliance Gateway Adapter

The Sun Adapter for SWIFTAlliance Gateway (referred to as the SWIFT AG Adapter throughout this guide) enables the Sun Java™ Composite Application Platform Suite to communication with SWIFTAlliance Gateway 5.0.

The SWIFT AG Adapter is comprised of the following components:

In addition to the OTD, the SWIFT AG Adapter provides Connectivity Map and External System configuration for design time configuration.

SWIFT AG Adapter Features

The 5.1 SWIFT AG Adapter includes the following features:

SAGOutboundAdapter Object Type Definition

The Adapter provides a SWIFTAlliance Gateway specific OTD (Object Type Definition), which exposes methods, attributes, and configuration properties. When it is incorporated in a Java Collaboration, the SAGOutboundAdapter OTD allows you to build powerful business logic into your Projects.

The SAGOutboundAdapter OTD is comprised of the following nodes:

In addition to the OTD, the SWIFT AG Adapter provides Connectivity Map and External System parameters for design time configuration.