The master index client projects can include any of the following connectivity components:
Connectivity Map - Graphically describes the relationship between the External Applications, Queues and Topics, Services, Web Connectors, and master index application. The Connectivity Map also contains the configuration information for each component’s connections, such as the polling interval and transactional behavior.
Master index application - Represents the master index application accessed by the client project. Each Collaboration or Business Process client project in the master index system must include the master index application in its Connectivity Map in order for those components to exchange information with the master index application.
Service - Provides a framework for a process or a Collaboration that contains the information required to execute a set of business rules.
Collaboration - Business rules describing the logic to be executed on the Object Type Definitions. These business rules include the data transformation and method calls to be executed by the Services and determine how data is processed into the master index database.
Object Type Definitions (OTDs) - Meta-data containers that describe external objects, including both data structure and methods. A custom method OTD is created in the master index project for use in the client projects to define how data is processed between the master index application and external systems. A custom OTD is also created to publish messages from the master index application to a JMS Topic.
External Applications - Logical representations of external software applications (called external systems) that are integrated by the Java CAPS system. External Applications allow the master index application to connect with external systems and are linked to a Service by means of an Adapter.
JMS Queues - A message destination conforming to the point-to-point (p2p or PTP) messaging paradigm. This means that one sender delivers a message to exactly one receiver.
JMS Topics - A message destination conforming to the publish-and-subscribe (pub/sub) messaging paradigm. This means that one publisher broadcasts messages to multiple subscribers, ensuring that all subscribers receive a message. Client projects can include a JMS Topic to which the master index application publishes, giving the external systems access to all data updates.
JMS Client - An internal link between a Service and a Message Destination (that is, a JMS Topic or Queue).
Adapters - An application-specific adapter linking an external application with Java CAPS.
Business Processes - A collection of actions and messages that revolve around a specific business task and that flow in a specific pattern to accomplish a business goal.
Web Connectors - A graphical representation of a set of Sun Composite Page Designer web pages and activities.