Sun Adapter for SQL Server Tutorials

Creating an Environment

Environments include the External Systems, Logical Hosts, Application Servers, and Message Servers used by a project and contain the configuration information for these components.

ProcedureCreate the Environment

  1. From the NetBeans IDE Services window, right-click Caps Environment and select New Environment from the popup menu.

    A new environment is added to the Services tree.

  2. Rename the new Environment to envSQLServerProj.

  3. Right-click envSQLServerProj and select New -> SQLServer External System. Name the SQL Server External System esSQLServer.

  4. Right-click envSQLServerProj and select New -> File External System. Name the File External System esFileClient.

  5. Right-click envSQLServerProj and select New -> Logical Host.

    LogicalHost1 is added to the Services tree.

  6. Right-click LogicalHost1 and select New -> Sun Java System Application Server.

    A new Application Server is added to the tree under LogicalHost1 .

  7. Save your changes.

Next Steps

For your next step, see Configuring the Adapter Properties.