Sun Adapter for SQL Server Tutorials

Configuring the Environment Properties

Environment properties are configured from the Services tree of the NetBeans IDE Services window.

ProcedureConfigure the Environment Properties

  1. From the Services tree in the NetBeans IDE Services window, expand the CAPS Environments -> envSQLProj nodes

  2. Double-click an Adapter to open the Properties Editor to the Adapter's Environment properties sheet.

  3. Edit the property values for your system. Once you are done, click OK to save the current properties.

  4. Repeat this procedure to edit all of your Environment properties.

File Adapter Environment Properties

Enter the following values for the File Adapters.


Property Name 

Required Value 

Configuration -> Inbound File Adapter -> Parameter Settings 


Enter the directory that contains the input files (trigger files included in the sample Project). 

Trigger files:






Configuration -> Outbound File Adapter -> Parameter Settings 


Enter the directory where output files are written. 

For the JCD sample Project, the output files are:

  • JCD_Delete_output0.dat

  • JCD_Insert_output0.dat

  • JCD_PsSelect_output0.dat

  • JCD_TableSelect_output0.dat

  • JCD_Update_output0.dat

For the BPEL sample Project, the output files are:

  • BPEL_Delete_output0.dat

  • BPEL_Insert_output0.dat

  • BPEL_PsSelect_output0.da

  • BPEL_TableSelect_output0.dat

  • BPEL_Update_output0.dat


SQL Server Adapter Environment Properties

Enter the following values for the outbound SQL Server Adapters.


Property Name 

Required Value 

Configuration -> Outbound SQL Server Adapter -> JDBC Connector settings. 


Enter the host name of the database server being used. 



Enter the name of the particular database that is being used on the server. 



Enter the user account name for the database. 



Enter the user account password for the database. 


What's the Next Step?

For your next step, see Creating the Deployment Profile.