Sun Adapter for SQL Server Tutorials

ProcedureCreate the bpDelete Business Process

  1. From the Projects window, right-click your new project and select New -> Business Process from the shortcut menu.

    The Business Process Designer opens and BusinessProcess1 is added to the Project Explorer tree.

  2. Rename BusinessProcess1 to bpDelete.

  3. From the Projects window, expand CAPS Components Library -> Adapters -> File -> FileClient. Select and drag the FileClient.receive activity from the project tree to the BPEL Designer canvas.

  4. As in step 3, drag the FileClient.write activity from the CAPS Components Library -> Adapters -> File -> FileClient directory to the BPEL Designer canvas, and then drag another FileClient.write activity to the canvas, so that you have two FileClient.write activities in your BPEL process.

  5. From the Projects window, expand prjSQLServer_BPEL -> otdALL -> otdSQLServer. Select and drag the otdSQLServer.Db_employeeDelete activity from the project tree to the BPEL Designer canvas.

  6. Connect the activities in the bpDelete BPEL canvas by dragging your cursor from the output node of one activity to the input node of the next activity, as follows: (See image below for details)

    • Start -> FileClient.receive

    • FileClient.receive -> FileClient.write

    • FileClient.write -> otdSQLServer.db_employeeDelete

    • otdSQLServer.Db_employeeDelete -> FileClient.write

    • FileClient.write -> End

    Image shows the dbDelete BPEL Process before the business
rules have been added.
  7. Click Save All to save the latest changes to your project.