Sun Adapter for SQL Server Tutorials

Deploying the Project from NetBeans

You can deploy a Java CAPS project to the Sun Java System Application Server (GlassFish) using NetBeans IDE, Admin Console, Enterprise Manager, or the Command Line. For more information on deploying projects see Deploying Java CAPS Projects.

For this example we will deploy the project from the Java CAPS Deployment Editor in NetBeans.

Note –

When you deploy your project from the NetBeans IDE, you cannot specify a server instance. Therefore, if the domain has multiple server instances, the application is deployed to all of the instances.

ProcedureDeploy the Project

  1. Open your project in the Deployment Editor.

  2. Ensure that the application server is running.

  3. In the toolbar of the Deployment Profile Editor, click Deploy.

Next Steps

For your next step, see Running the Project.