Sun Adapter for DB2 Tutorials

ProcedureCreate the Java Collaborations

  1. Right-click your new Project in the Project window, and select New -> Collaboration Definition (Java) from the popup menu.

    The Collaboration Definition Wizard (Java) appears.

  2. Enter the name of the Collaboration (for this Collaboration enter jcdDelete) and click Next.

  3. In Step 2 of the wizard, double-click CAPS Components Library -> Adapters -> File -> FileClient -> receive to add the File Adapter's receive web service operation. Click Next.

  4. In Step 3 of the wizard, double-click prjDB2_JCD -> otdALL -> otdDB2. The otdDB2 OTD is added to the Selected OTDs field.

  5. Click the Up One Level button to return to Projects level, then select CAPS Components Library -> Adapters -> File -> FileClient to add the File Adapter's FileClient OTD to the Collaboration.

  6. Click Finish. The new Collaboration is added to your project's jcdALL node, in the Projects window.

  7. Create the other four Collaborations using the Collaboration Definition Wizard, similar to the way you created the jcdDelete Collaboration, but using the following parameters:

    Collaboration Names 

    Web Service Operation to Implement 

    Selected OTDs 


    receive (CAPS Components Library -> Adapters -> File -> FileClient -> receive)

    otdDB2 (prjDB2_JCD -> otdALL -> otdDB2)

    otdInputDTD_DBemployees (prjDB2_JCD -> otdALL -> otdInputDTD_DBemployees)

    FileClient (CAPS Components Library -> Adapters -> File -> FileClient) 


    receive (CAPS Components Library -> Adapters -> File -> FileClient -> receive)

    otdDB2 (prjDB2_JCD -> otdALL -> otdDB2)

    otdOutputDTD_DBemployees (prjDB2_JCD -> otdALL -> otdOutputDTD_DBemployees)

    FileClient (CAPS Components Library -> Adapters -> File -> FileClient) 


    receive (CAPS Components Library -> Adapters -> File -> FileClient -> receive)

    otdDB2 (prjDB2_JCD -> otdALL -> otdDB2)

    otdOutputDTD_DBemployees (prjDB2_JCD -> otdALL -> otdOutputDTD_DBemployees)

    FileClient (CAPS Components Library -> Adapters -> File -> FileClient) 


    receive (CAPS Components Library -> Adapters -> File -> FileClient -> receive)

    otdDB2 (prjDB2_JCD -> otdALL -> otdDB2)

    FileClient (CAPS Components Library -> Adapters -> File -> FileClient) 

Next Steps

For your next step, see Using the Java Collaboration Editor to create Business Rules.