Java CAPS 管理和监视 API


通过使用 AlertConfigurationService,Enterpriser Manager 和其他管理客户机可以管理和控制将警报从应用程序或 JBI 组件传送到其客户机的可靠性。Enterprise Manager 在启动后始终接收警报;而所有其他客户机需要进行注册才能接收警报。需要管理的配置包括:在数据库中启用和禁用警报持久性以及管理警报删除的策略。

注 –

对于早期版本的 Java CAPS 用户,他们必须启用持久性和日志功能才能获得以前使用的功能。



该实现基于“先到先得”策略,如警报配置服务 API 中所述。该策略是定义的所有策略项的组合(“与”条件),即使执行的某个策略项的结果取消执行下一个策略项,也会应用该策略。


警报配置服务 API

* Enable alerts persistence in the alerts database.
     * enabling it allow for reliable alerts delivery in
     * case of delivery channel failure or Application 
     * server restart.
     * @param enableJournaling 
     *                    true - will prevent the system from
     *                           removing alerts after they 
     *                           are delivered. The alert stay 
     *                           in the database until the 
     *                           user removes them.
     *                    false - The system will remove the alert
     *                            upon acknowledgment from 
     *                            the reliable client in case one was
     *                            setup or upon send the alert to 
     *                            all the non reliable client/s.
     * @throws ManagementRemoteException if JMX related exception is 
     *         thrown or the list of target name is null or empty.
     public void enableAlertsPersistence(Boolean enableJournaling) throws 
     *        ManagementRemoteException;
     * Disable alerts persistence in the alerts database.
     * @throws ManagementRemoteException if JMX related exception is 
     *         thrown or the list of target name is null or empty.
     public void disableAlertsPersistence() throws ManagementRemoteException;
     * @return the last setting of alert persistence enabling operation.
     *         true if enable otherwise false.
     * @throws ManagementRemoteException if JMX related exception.
     public  Boolean isAlertsPersistenceEnabled()throws 
     * ManagementRemoteException;
     * @return the last setting of alert journal enabling operation.
     *         true if enable otherwise false.
     * @throws ManagementRemoteException if JMX related exception.
    public Boolean isAlertsJournalEnabled()throws ManagementRemoteException;
     * set the JNDI name of the data source database to be used 
     * for persistence. if not provided at least once the persistence 
     * will be disabled even if enableAlertsPersistence was set to true.
     * @param jndiName - of the data source to be used in conjunction with 
     *   enableAlertsPersistence set to true
     * @throws ManagementRemoteException if JMX related exception is 
     *         thrown orjndiName parameter is null or empty.  
    public void setPersistenceDataSourceJndiName(String jndiName) throws 
    * ManagementRemoteException;
     * @return the last set JNDI name for the alert persistence data source.
     * @throws ManagementRemoteException
    public String  getPersistenceDataSourceJndiName() throws ManagementRemoteException;
     * set the database type to be used for persistence.
     * Derby is the assumed default database. If different database is 
     * used this method should be called prior to enabling the persistence.
     * @param dbtype - one of the predefined typed defined in {@link 
     *   }
     * @throws ManagementRemoteException if JMX related exception is thrown.
    public void setPersistenceDataBaseType(AlertPersistenceDBType dbtype) throws 
     *             ManagementRemoteException;
     * @return The return value represent the last set DB type 
     *             {@link}
     *             for each.
     * @throws ManagementRemoteException if JMX related exception is thrown.     */
    public AlertPersistenceDBType  getPersistenceDataBaseType() throws 
     * Set the maximum time a persisted alert will be stored in the alert database 
     * before it will be deleted as part of the removal policy 
     * @param timeToLive - maximum time in millisecond.
     * @throws ManagementRemoteException if JMX related exception is thrown.
    public void setPersistedAlertsMaxAge(Long timeToLive) throws 
     * return the last setting for the allowed persisted alert age.
     * A value of 0 current time which could cause all persisted alerts to be deleted.
     * A negative value this policy element is ignored.   
     * @return  the returned value  representing as time in milliseconds set for each.
     * @throws ManagementRemoteException if JMX related exception is thrown.
    public Long getPersistedAlertsMaxAge() throws ManagementRemoteException;
     * set the maximum number of  alerts allowed to be persisted  before it will be 
     * deleted as part of the removal policy
     * @param size - Maximum number of alerts.
     * @throws ManagementRemoteException if JMX related exception is thrown.
    public void setPersistedAlertsMaxCount(Long size) throws ManagementRemoteException;
     * return the last setting for the  maximum of  alerts allowed to be persisted.
     * A value of 0 mean no alerts persisted. It behave as if the user 
     *  set enableAlertsPersistence to false
     * A negative value this policy element is ignored.
     * @return the returned value represent the maximum number of alerts allowed to be 
     *         persisted on each target.
     * @throws ManagementRemoteException if JMX related exception is thrown.
    public Long getPersistedAlertsMaxCount() throws ManagementRemoteException;
     *  The priority based alert level that will be part of the removal policy.
     *  the priorities are as follows (from low to high):
     *  all alerts from the provided level and below will be candidates for removal.
     * @param level - an AlertLevelType representing the level.
     * @throws ManagementRemoteException if JMX related exception is thrown.
    public void setPersistedAlertsLevel(AlertLevelType level) throws 
     * @return  the returned value represent the last setting for the level of alerts 
     *          that allowed to be removed from persistence for each target.
     * @throws ManagementRemoteException if JMX related exception is thrown.
    public AlertLevelType getPersistedAlertsLevel() throws ManagementRemoteException;
     * set the effective policy for the removal of persisted alerts.
     * @param policyList - an array of AlertRemovalPolicyType where the priority
     *                     of the given policy is defined by its position in the list.
     *                     i.e the lower the index that policy will be applied first.
     *                     possible values are:
     *                     ALERTS_AGE,ALERTS_COUNT,ALERTS_LEVEL.
     *                     null value or empty array indicate no policy will be 
     *                     enforced.
     * @throws ManagementRemoteException if JMX related exception is thrown.
    public void setPersistedAlertsRemovelPolicy(AlertRemovalPolicyType[] policyList) 
    *          throws ManagementRemoteException;
     * @return the return value representing an array the last setting the policy used 
     *         when persisted alerts are to be removed. An empty array mean no policy 
     *         is enforced.
     * @throws ManagementRemoteException if JMX related exception is thrown.
    public String[] getPersistedAlertsRemovalPolicy() throws ManagementRemoteException;
     * enable or disable the ability to use removal policy.
     * @param enableExecuation -  true the current setting is enforced. False the 
     *           current policy is ignored.
     * @throws ManagementRemoteException if JMX related exception is thrown.
    public void enablePersistedAlertsPolicyExecution(Boolean enableExecution) throws
    *            ManagementRemoteException;
     * @return the returned value represent the last setting that enable/disable the 
     *         removal policy
     * @throws ManagementRemoteException
    public Boolean isPersistedAlertsPolicyExecutionEnabled()throws 
    *          ManagementRemoteException;
     * set how often the persisted alerts removal policy will be executed.
     * @param excutionInterval - The interval is defined in milliseconds.  
     * @throws ManagementRemoteException if JMX related exception is thrown.
    public void setPersistedAlertsRemovelPolicyExecInterval(Long excutionInterval)
    *          throws ManagementRemoteException;
     * @return the returned value representing The last interval setting of 
     *         the persisted alerts removal policy will be executed.
     * @throws ManagementRemoteException if JMX related exception is thrown.
    public Long getPersistedAlertsRemovelPolicyExecInterval() throws 
     *         ManagementRemoteException;
     * Set the persisted alerts table name.
     * Note: if the same database is used across the whole enterprise. it
     *       must be unique for each domain used.  
     * @param tableName - the table name to be used for the stored alerts
     * @throws ManagementRemoteException
    public void setAlertTableName(String tableName) throws ManagementRemoteException;
     * @return The current assign persisted alerts table name.
     * @throws ManagementRemoteException
    public String getAlertTableName() throws ManagementRemoteException;
     * @return return the total number of alerts currently persisted. This value 
     * is volatile and may V between two sequential calls to this method.
     * @throws ManagementRemoteException
    public  Integer getPersistedAlertsCount() throws ManagementRemoteException;
     * the API allows the caller to set all the parameters defined in the other API in
     * this interface. All the setting are applied prior to enabling the persistence.
     * @param enableJournaling
     *                    true - will prevent the system from removing alerts after 
     *                           they are delivered. The alert stay in the database 
     *                           until the user remove them.
     *                    false - The system will remove the alert upon acknowledgment 
     *                            from the reliable client in case one was setup or 
     *                            upon send the alert to all the non reliable client/s.
     * @param jndiName - JNDI name of the data source database to be used for 
     * persistence.
     * @param dbtype - one of the predefined typed defined in 
     *                    {@link
     *                     AlertPersistenceDBType}
     * @param timeToLive -  maximum time in millisecond.
     * @param maxCount - Maximum number of alerts.
     * @param level -  an AlertLevelType representing the level.
     * @param policyList - an array of AlertRemovalPolicyType where the priority
     *                     of the given policy is defined by its position in the list.
     *                     i.e the lower the index that policy will be applied first.
     *                     possible values are:
     *                     ALERTS_AGE,ALERTS_COUNT,ALERTS_LEVEL.
     * @param enablePolicyExecution - true the current setting is enforced. False the 
     *         current policy is ignored.
     * @param interval The interval the policy will be executed (is defined in 
     *         milliseconds). 
     * @param inMemoryCacheSize - The interval is defined in milliseconds. 
     * @throws ManagementRemoteException if JMX related exception is thrown or 
     *         the list of target names is null or empty.
     public void enableAlertsPersistence(Boolean enableJournaling,String jndiName,
                                         AlertPersistenceDBType dbtype,Long timeToLive,
                                         Long maxCount,AlertLevelType level,
                                         AlertRemovalPolicyType[] policyList,
                                         Boolean enablePolicyExecution,Long interval,
                                         Integer inMemoryCacheSize) throws 
     *                                   ManagementRemoteException;