United Kingdom Patient Solution Using MDM

Benefits of the United Kingdom Patient Solution

This topic introduces you to the United Kingdom Patient Solution template. The purpose is to help you solve a business problem by providing you with a template that is configurable to your specific requirements, enabling you to create a single patient solution that includes all required and optional bits of information that are specific to each and every patient in your healthcare system. After the database is completed and operational, you will have a patient model that eliminates errors inherent in systems that have patient information spread throughout a number of hard copy and electronic systems that is easy to access and use.

As this template was specifically designed for United Kingdom healthcare, use it with the Master Data Management (MDM) product suite, specifically the Master Index portion of MDM, when implementing your system.

The patient solution was created to enable you to set up your healthcare solution without having to create everything from scratch. When studying the solution, observe that it addresses all pertinent bits of patient information, including insurance, medical condition, and medications. Benefits for using the solution include:

Note –

For the link to the United Kingdom Patient Solution template, go to https://open-dm-mi.dev.java.net/docs/solutions/uk-patient.html.

See Also