Using the Sun Data Mashup Engine

ProcedureTo Edit a Join Condition

Before You Begin

Before editing a join, you must have a virtual database, Data Mashup project, the NetBeans IDE must be running, you must be connected to the virtual database, and have added a join.

  1. Right-click the Root Join Widget on the canvas and then click Edit Join Condition.

    The Edit Join Condition window, also called the Condition Builder, opens.

  2. Create a join condition in the Edit Join Condition window.

    1. Drag a column from a table onto the empty canvas on the right.

    2. Drag and drop a comparison, string, or another operator onto the canvas

      In this example, use the equal (=) sign.

    3. Drag a column from the second table onto the canvas to complete the query.

      Even though there are two join conditions that match from the tables, VENDOR and VENDOR_CODE, you only need to complete one join with the equal sign.

    4. When satisfied with your join conditions, click OK.

      The Edit Join Condition window closes. You are almost ready to create and deploy a composite application which contains your Data Mashup project. This step enables you to view your data on the web. However, first you need to save your project.

  3. To save the project, right-click it and select Build Project.

    A WSDL is created within the Collaboration node. In the example, DemoDMProject_demoDMfile_engine.wsdl.

Next Steps

You are now ready to create and deploy a composite application in the Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server. For detailed instructions on how to perform this task, see Creating and Deploying a Composite Application to Complete a Data Mashup Project.

See Also