Upgrading to Sun Master Index

Step 8: Update the Survivor Calculator

To update the Best Record file in the Repository-based project to update.xml in the service-enabled project, you need to copy the text of the Repository-based file to the service-enabled file and then update certain portions of the file. You only need to change the location of the XSD file and the names of the Java packages accessed by the file. If custom update policies are defined for the master index, you also need to update the Java package and class names for the policies.

ProcedureTo Update update.xml

  1. In the service-enabled project, delete the text of update.xml.

  2. Copy and paste the text of the Best Record file from the Repository–based master index application to update.xml in the service-enabled application.

  3. In the Configuration element near the top of the file, change "sbyn:SeeBeyond/eView/schema/update.xsd" to "schema/update.xsd".

  4. If update policies are defined, scroll to the bottom of the page and update the Java package and class names of the policies to the names you gave them in Step 2: Migrate any Custom Plug-ins.

  5. Change all instances of "com.stc.eindex" to "com.sun.mdm.index".

  6. Save and close the file.