Upgrading to Sun Master Index

Step 13: Finalizing the Upgrade

Finalizing the project includes building the project, verifying the custom plug-ins, and finally deploying the project. You can also take advantage of the new query, matching, and SBR filtering feature described in Filtering Default Values From Master Index Processes in Configuring Sun Master Indexes . Note that adding this feature might cause inconsistencies with the way records were previously matched, but can also prevent the incorrect matching of records or flagging them as potential duplicates.

ProcedureTo Finalize the Upgrade

  1. Right-click the Master Index project, and then click Generate Master Index Files.

  2. Build the project.

    Building will compile the custom plug-ins you added previously.

  3. If you upgraded any custom plug-ins, go back to the custom plug-ins you created in the EJB Source Packages folder and verify that the Java code no longer has context errors.

  4. If you are using an outbound Topic to broadcast master index updates, create a topic named ApplicationNameTopic (where ApplicationName is the name of the master index application) and set up the external systems to subscribe to this topic.

    Note –

    For more information about this process, see Broadcasting Master Index Updates to External Systems.

  5. If you created any new user roles in midm-security.xml or security.xml, add those roles to web.xml and sun-web.xml. These files are located in the ProjectName-war project under Web Pages > WEB-INF.

  6. Deploy the master index project.