Upgrading to Sun Master Index

Step 14 (Optional): Update the Master Index API in Client Projects

Once you build the master index project, a set of dynamic API methods are generated for use in web services, Collaborations, and Business Processes. In order to make the API available to Repository-based client projects, you need to generate a WSDL file and then import the generated file into the client project that will access the new service-enabled master index. Alternatively, you can upgrade the client projects using JBI components and call master index services from BPEL processes, web services, and Java clients.

ProcedureTo Update the Master Index API in Client Projects

  1. In the NetBeans Projects window, expand the ProjectName–ejb project and then expand Web Services.

  2. Right-click ApplicationNameEJBService and then select Generate and Copy WSDL.

  3. Specify a location to store the WSDL file and click OK.

  4. Right–click the Repository-based client project, point to Import, and then select Web Service Definition.

  5. Follow the steps in the Import WSDL(s) Wizard.

    A web service OTD for the ProjectNameEJBService is created. You can use this OTD to access the operations of the migrated master index application.