Upgrading to Sun Master Index

About the Upgrade Paths to Sun Master Index

Java CAPS 6 provides two different versions of Sun Master Index — Sun Master Index (Repository) and service-enabled Sun Master Index. Sun Master Index (Repository) provides the same features and functions as eView Studio 5.1.3, with the added feature of being able to communicate with JBI and service-enabled applications. It is installed in the Java CAPS Repository. The second version, service-enabled Sun Master Index, is installed directly into NetBeans and does not use the Java CAPS Repository. It provides several new functions and tools to create a more complete data management solution.

You can upgrade an eView Studio application to a Sun Master Index (Repository) application, and you can migrate a Sun Master Index (Repository) application to a service-enabled Sun Master Index application. Upgrading from version 5.1.3 to Java CAPS 6 provides the simplest way to move your master index applications into a Java CAPS 6 environment with minimal change; however, migrating to the service-enabled version allows you to take advantage of the new features and tools.

The procedures below describe the upgrade and migration. Before you begin these steps, make sure you have installed Java CAPS 6 and have uploaded eView.sar to the Repository and installed it as a plug-in in NetBeans.