Upgrading to Sun Master Index

Step 6: Update the Matching and Standardization Configuration

The Match Field file is updated by copying the text of the file to the service-enabled project and then updating certain portions of the file. To update the Match Field file in the Repository-based project to mefa.xml in the service-enabled project, you only need to change the location of the XSD file and the names of the Java packages accessed by the file.

ProcedureTo Update mefa.xml

  1. In the service-enabled project, delete the text of mefa.xml.

  2. Copy and paste the text of the Match Field file from the Repository–based master index application to mefa.xml in the service-enabled application.

  3. In the Configuration element near the top of the file, change "sbyn:SeeBeyond/eView/schema/mefa.xsd" to "schema/mefa.xsd".

  4. Change all instances of "com.stc.eindex" to "com.sun.mdm.index".

  5. Save and close the file.