Using the JAXB Wizard and Code-Seeder Palette

ProcedureTo Generate Code Using the Marshal JAXB Object

  1. To marshal an existing JAXB class object, drag and drop the JAXB Marshal palette icon to IDE editor.

    The Generate JAXB Marshal codedialog box is displayed.

    Figure 1–7 JAXB Marshal Object

    JAXB Marshal Object

  2. Enter the JAXB object's class name or use the Find... button to search for the class. (as in the Construct's Figure 1–3section)

  3. Select the Marshal To option. You can generate the code from a marshal JAXB object to one of String, Writer, OutputStream, JMSTextMessage, or File.

    Figure 1–8 Select Marshal To

    Marshal To

    The desired method will be generated (as shown below).

    Figure 1–9 Marshal Generated Method

    Marshal generated method