Using the BPEL Designer and Service Engine

Creating BPEL Mappings

You can create a mapping from the source tree pane directly to the destination tree pane, without using any of the functions. This type of mapping can be any of the following:

You can also create a mapping that uses one or more XPath functions from the BPEL Mapper's menu bar. For example, if the BPEL process includes a Wait activity that waits for a period of time, then you can use the Duration Literal function to specify the duration.

ProcedureTo create a mapping without using any functions:

  1. In the source tree pane, expand the tree component until the node that you want to map from appears.

  2. If the destination tree pane contains a tree component, then expand the tree component until the node that you want to map to appears.

  3. Select the node in the source tree pane and drag the pointer to the node in the destination tree pane.

    A link connects the nodes.

ProcedureTo use a function in a mapping:

  1. In the destination tree pane, expand the tree and select the node you want to map to. A blue area appears on the mapping pane. The functions you choose will appear here.

    Mapping Pane
  2. Click the drop-down menu that contains the function.

  3. Click the function.

    A function box appears in the mapping pane.

  4. Map any arguments into the appropriate connector on the left side of the function box. The source can be a node in the source tree pane or the output from another function box. If an argument is optional, then a question mark appears after the argument name.

  5. Map the result from the right side of the function box. The destination can be a node in the destination tree pane or the input into another function box.

    Mapping with a function

ProcedureTo delete a link or function in a mapping:

  1. Select the link or function.

  2. Press Delete.