You can see the following messages in the BPEL Debugger Console:
The Debugger is attempting to connect to the BPEL service engine.
The Debugger has successfully connected to the BPEL service engine and the debug session has started.
If you see this message, verify the following:
The GlassFish V2 Application Server is running.
The BPEL service engine is started.
The DebugEnabled property of the BPEL service engine is set to true.
The host name is the host name of the machine that runs the GlassFish V2 Application Server you are connecting to ( localhost by default).
The port value is the same as the DebugPort property of the BPEL service engine you are connecting to (3343 by default).
You already have a running debug session attached to this particular service engine.
The Debugger lost connection to the server. Check that the server is running and the network is up.
You explicitly terminated the debug session when it was connecting.
You explicitly terminated the debug session when it was running.