Using the BPEL Designer and Service Engine

ProcedureTo customize print options:

  1. In the IDE, select an object you want to print.

  2. In the Print Preview window, click Print Options. The Print Options dialog box opens.

  3. Change the print settings to suit your preferences:

    • Print Border — Adds a border to the printed page. Click the Color icon to change the border color.

    • Print Header and Print Footer. — Specifies the text, alignment, color, and font of the header and footer.

      • To hide the header or footer, clear the Print Header or Print Footer checkboxes, respectively.

      • To specify the header or footer pattern text, click in the field corresponding to the alignment (Left, Center, or Right) and select one of the buttons below. For example, to add the time of printing at the bottom left corner, select the Print Footer checkbox, click into the Left field, and click the "Time of printing " icon.

      • Click the Choose Footer Color and Choose Footer Font icons to modify the color and the font for the page header and footer.

    • Line Numbers — Specifies whether to print line numbers for source files.

    • Wrap Lines — Wraps the lines to fit them on the page.

    • Print as in Editor — The printed page will look like you see it in the editor.

    • Text Font and Color — Specifies the color and font of the text when you are printing, for example, source files.

    • Background Color — Specifies the background color.

    • Line spacing — Specifies the value for line spacing.

    • Zoom — Specifies the scale for the printed text or diagram on the page. You can select to fit width or height or choose a specific zoom scale.

  4. Click OK.