The "help" or "h" command displays a list of available commands and the required and optional parameters for each command. For example:[l] List bpel variables (instid="instanceId" varname="variableName" )
In this example, "l" is the command letter. instidis a required parameter. varnameis an optional parameter, which is implied by the enclosing brackets ([]). Parameters that are not enclosed by brackets are required with the command.
To specify a command with parameters do the following:
After the prompt ">", type the letter of the command and any required parameters and any optional parameters as follows: >l instid="" varname="NewWSDLOperationIn"
Specify the parameter and value as paramName=?Value?. The double quotes are required for the value. There are no spaces between and after '='.
Type the command and its params in one line, or use '\' to continue to next line.
Specify mulitple value for a parm using '|', for example: >b status=”running|completed|terminated”
You can direct the command output to a file in file system, either in append or overwrite mode. This can be done for any command in the same way, the output to the console is unchanged.
The output can be written to the specified file in the following modes:
Writing the output to the file, given the full file path, overwriting the file if it currently exists:>b status="running" >"c:\work\output.txt"
Writing the output to the file, given the full file path, appending to the file if it currently exists: >b status="running" >"c:\work\output.txt"+