Using the Java EE Service Engine to Create a Composite Application

ProcedureTo Add a Test Case

  1. In the Projects window of the IDE, expand the HelloCompositeApp project node, right-click the Test node, and choose New Test Case from the pop-up menu.

    The New Test Case wizard opens.

  2. Accept the default test case name, TestCase1, and click Next.

  3. From the Select the WSDL Document page, expand the Hello - Hello, src , java nodes, and select HelloWSDL.wsdl.

    To add a test case
  4. Click Next.

  5. From the Select the Operation to Test page, select HelloWSDLOperation and click Finish.

    Select the operation test page

    A new TestCase1 node is added under the project's Test node in the Projects window, containing two subnodes, Input and Output.

    The Source Editor appears containing the Input file, Input.xml

    Note –

    If the Source Editor does not contain a tab for Input.xml, double-click the Input node in the Projects window to open the file.

  6. From the Input.xml tab of the Source Editor, locate the line:

    <in>?string?</ in>

  7. Replace the string ?string? with Hello Application, so that it appears as:

    <in> Hello Application</ in>

    Giving input string
  8. From the NetBeans IDE toolbar, click the Save All button.