Using the File Binding Component in a Project

Configuring Redelivery

Redelivery is a Quality of Service mechanism that handles message delivery when first-time delivery fails. Redelivery allows you to define the number of attempts that the system makes to deliver a message, the time between attempts, and the final result for an undeliverable message or non-responsive endpoint. Redelivery is configured for a specific connection from the Composite Application Service Assembly (CASA) Editor, by clicking the QoS icon for that connection. This opens the Config QoS Properties for that connection. From the Redelivery Extension section of the editor, configure the Redelivery properties.

If ERROR status is returned for an Inbound message sent by File Binding Component, the BC will attempt to redeliver the message, based on Redelivery QoS settings. For example, a message could have ERROR status if BPEL Service Engine encounters a problem while processing the message.

The Redelivery configuration parameters are: