LDAP Binding Component Tutorial

ProcedureTo Create a Composite Application Project

  1. Choose File —> New Project.

    This opens the New Project wizard.

  2. Select the SOA node from the Categories list.

  3. Select the Composite Application node from the Projects list.

  4. Click Next.

    Composite Application
  5. Type the Project Name in the Project Name field.

    For example, AddCompApp

  6. Click Finish.

    The Projects window now contains a project node for a Composite Application project named AddCompApp.

    Composite Application Node
  7. Click the Validate XML button.

    This action invokes an XML check and displays the following message in the XML check console.

    XML validation finished.
  8. Right-click either the Composite Application or the JBI Modules.

    For example, AddComositeApp

  9. Select Add JBI Module.

    Add JBI Node
  10. Select the BPEL Module Project. Click Add Project JAR Files.

    For example, LDAPBpelModule

    In the current example, the Project JAR file is build/SEDeployment.jar.

    Add Project JAR Files

    The JAR file is added and is as shown in the illustration.

    JAR Files Added
  11. Click Save All.

    Note –

    Ensure to following services are started.

    • GlassFish Application Server

    • JBI Binding Component (sun-ldap-binding)

  12. Right-click the Composite Application node. Select Clean and Build.

    For example, AddCompApp

    The CASA Editor displays the build associated with AddCompApp.

    Build Successful

    A success message is displayed in the Output window:

    BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 3 seconds)
  13. Click Save All.