Using the BPEL Designer and Service Engine

BPEL Code Generation Using NM Properties

Data copied from an NM property or an NM property shortcut generates code that is similar to the following:

<from variable="inputVar" sxnmp:nmProperty="org.glassfish.openesb.file

Data copied from WSDL properties based on NM property generates code that is similar to the following:

<from variable="inputVar" property="ns3:DemoNMProperty"/>

When properties and NM properties are used to build an expression, code similar to the following code is generated:

<from>concat(bpws:getVariableProperty('inputVar', 'ns3:DemoNMProperty'), 

An NM property used in a condition generates code that is similar to the following:

<condition>sxnmp:getVariableNMProperty('inputVar', 'my.nmProperty.boolean')</condition>