Understanding the FTP Binding Component

ProcedureTo Deploy the Composite Application

  1. Create a folder and save the file in the local directory.

    For example, c:/temp and inventory%d.xml

    Here, foldername is c:/temp and the filename is inventory%d.xml.

    Inventory Folder
  2. Create a folder on the FTP Server.

    For example, book_updates

    The folder is empty before deployment.

    book updates
  3. Select the project node in the Projects window.

    For example, SendInventoryCompAppl

  4. Right-click and choose Deploy.

    Deployment successful

    After deployment of the project, the following message is displayed in the Output window:

    BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 18 seconds)
  5. Check for the folder in the local directory.

    Two folders are created under SendInventoryCompAppl_FileInboundService_fileTrig-45609436–4:

    1. archive

    2. filebc-in processing

      Input File
  6. Check the folders on the FTP Server.

    After deployment, inbox and instage folders are created.

    Folders created
  7. Double-click the folder /inbox to check the output.

    The message routing starts with the consumer invoking a service (INVOKE in BPEL script). On the other side of the NMR, FTP BC OutboundProcessor accepts the request message, de-normalizes the message and labels the message body (which is the payload to a FTP file) with name as req.

    req Name conventions