Understanding the FTP Binding Component

FTP Address Element (<ftp:address>)

The FTP address element extends the WSDL service element to allow you to specify the connectivity information to an FTP server. You can specify properties such as the Internet address of the FTP server, style for listing directories, the mode of transfer (for example, binary, ASCII, or EBCDIC), and timeout settings for connecting to the FTP server.

ftp addressTable 8 FTP Address Element

Attribute Name 



The address of the FTP host. This address must be in the following format:  

ftp://[user]:[password]@[hostname or IP address]:[port]

  • user is the FTP account login

  • password is the password for the account

  • hostname is the hostname for where the FTP server is running

  • IP address is the IP address for the ftp host

  • port is the FTP port (default is 21)

Default value: ftp://anonymous:user\@yahoo.com@localhost:21


FTP login ID — user ID 

Enter the user ID in ftp:url


FTP login password 

Enter the password. 


Specifies which style to use for listing directories. Choose a style from the list. 

Note –

The style you select should match the platform for the target FTP host to make sure FTP operations and pattern matching specifications.

Default value: UNIX 


Indicates whether to use a user-defined style for listing directories. 

If the property is set to true, then you must specify a style using the userDefDirListStyle property.

Default value: false


Names the user-defined directory listing style, which should correspond to the style defined by the property userDefDirListHeuristics


Path pointing to a user provided heuristics file. 

This file should be accessible to the FTP Binding Component runtime in the deployed environment. 


Enable Clear Command Channel after handshake, only applicable when securedFTP - 'ExplicitSSL' 


Key store location 


Key store password 


Key alias for client authentication 


Password protecting the key alias 


Trust store location 


Trust store password 


Specifies whether the transfer is binary, ASCII, or EBCDIC. 

Default value: binary


Encoding (Charset) for FTP control channel IO. Default is ISO-8859-1. When left blank the default is assumed. 


Time, in milliseconds, to attempt reading the socket for the FTP command channel before a timeout occurs. 

0 indicates no timeout. 

Default value: 45000


Time, in milliseconds, to attempt reading the socket for the FTP data channel before a timeout occurs. 

0 indicates no timeout. 

Default value: 45000