Understanding the FTP Binding Component

FTP Binding Component Extensibility Elements

FTP Binding Component is bound to either a service consumer or service provider, the interfaces exposed is defined by a WSDL. FTP Binding Component implements a set of FTP Binding Component binding specific extensibility elements so that a service can be defined and bound to a FTP protocol.

The FTP Binding Component supports the following extensibility elements:

  1. Address: Specifies the FTP connectivity element information such as, FTP URL (host, port, login, password), directory listing style, user defined heuristics for directory listing parsing.

  2. Binding: FTP binding element, a marker element indicating a FTP binding. This element does not have attributes.

  3. Operation: FTP operation element is a marker element indicating a FTP operation. This element does not have attributes.

  4. Transfer: FTP transfer element, specifies a message transfer from a sender and receiver perspective. For example, to specify a message transfer for a service request, there is a sender and a receiver involved, the WSDL author specifies:

    1. The target sender sends to: Represented by attribute ftp:sendTo, the target receiver receives from — represented by attribute ftp:receiveFrom. Also, the additional operations performed before a message is sent (PUT) to target or after a message is received (GET) from the target and is called Pre/Post operations.

    2. messageCorrelate: If enabled, a UUID tagging based message correlation scheme will be used to correlate requestresponse of a synchronous service invoking.

  5. Message: FTP message element, specifies a message transfer from a service consumer and/or service provider perspective. The WSDL author can specify:

    1. The message repository represented as attribute ftp:messageRepository. A base directory where all the working directories for a message transfer are created, such as,

      1. inbox : Is used for posting request (by consumer) and polling request (by provider)

      2. instage : Is used for staging request

      3. outbox : Is used for posting response (by provider) and polling response (by consumer)

      4. outstage : Is used for staging response

    2. messageCorrelate : If enabled, a UUID tagging based message correlation scheme will be used to correlate request-response of a synchronous service invoking.

Note –

Application Variable is a tabular data consisting of one or more name value pairs. On the other hand, WSDL authors are allowed to include references of these 'tokens' in the attributes values of FTP Binding Component extensibility elements in their WSDL, the references are resolved at deployment time.

Application variables are categorized into the following types: