Designing Custom Encoders


Precedence indicates the priority of a certain delimiter, relative to the other delimiters. Precedence is used to resolve delimiter conflicts when one delimiter is a copy or prefix of another. In case of equal precedence, the innermost prevails.

By default, all delimiters are at precedence 10, which means they are all considered the same; fixed fields are hard-coded at precedence 10. Delimiters on parent nodes are not considered when parsing the child fields; only the child’s delimiter (or if it is a fixed field, its length). The range of valid precedence values is from 1 to 100, inclusive. The higher the value, the higher the precedence. Delimiters with higher precedence have a greater chance to be matched.

Changing the precedence of a delimiter will cause it to be applied to the input data-stream in different ways. For example: