Using the File Binding Component in a Project

About the File Binding Component

The File Binding Component is a JSR-208 compliant JBI runtime component that provides a transport service to a file system and offers a comprehensive solution to interact with the file system from the JBI environment.

Looking at what File BC does at a very high level: On the server side, File BC polls for inbound messages, stored in file(s), in a specified directory. On the client side, File BC puts messages into file(s) in a designated directory.

When the File Binding Component acts as a JBI provider, the default behavior is that it denormalizes the JBI message and writes the message to a specified destination in the file system, but it could also provide the capability to do a file read if the action is specified explicitly. When the File Binding Component acts as a JBI consumer, it polls the file system for a specified file name (or file names matching a supported pattern), normalizes to a JBI message and routes the message to the Normalized Message Router (NMR) so it can be serviced by other JBI components.

The design time component of File BC is a Netbeans module that provides plug-in to NetBean's project system and thus defines how file binding can be used. The runtime component implements all required component interfaces in JBI specification and provides the functionality to act as a proxy to services enabled using the file protocol.

The following diagram illustrates relationship between the File Binding Component and the other components within the runtime environment.

Relationship Between File BC and JBI Components