The File Binding Component's runtime properties can be configured from the NetBeans IDE, or from a command prompt (command line interface) during installation.
The File Binding Component properties apply to the binding component as a whole, including all provider and consumer endpoints.
From the Services tab of the NetBeans IDE, expand the Servers node.
Start your application server, for example GlassFish V2. To do this, right-click your application server and select Start from the shortcut menu.
Under the application server, expand the JBI-> Binding Components nodes and select sun-file-binding.
The current File Binding properties are displayed at the right side of the NetBeans IDE. You can also double-click sun—file—binding to open the Properties window.
Edit the properties as needed. To apply any changes you make to the Application Configuration and Application Variables properties, shut down and restart the affected composite applications, Any changes in the "Threads" count property will be applied dynamically without restarting the File Binding Component. Any changes to the component Logger setting will be applied dynamically without restarting the File Binding Component.
The File Binding runtime properties are categorized into three types:
General Properties
Statistics Properties
Loggers Properties
Statistics properties include 19 different component activities including exchanges, errors, requests, replies, and so forth. It lists component statistics that are collected for actions such as endpoints activated, average response time, completed exchanges, and so forth. Running statistics are automatically collected and displayed
Loggers properties include 13 different component activities that can be recorded by the server.log. The Logger properties specify the user-designated level of logging for an event.
Each logger can be set to record information at any of the following levels:
FINEST: messages provide highly detailed tracing
FINER: messages provide more detailed tracing
FINE: messages provide basic tracing
CONFIG: provides static configuration messages
INFO: provides informative messages
WARNING: messages indicate a warning
SEVERE: messages indicate a severe failure
OFF: no logging messages