Sun Adapter for TCP/IP HL7 User's Guide

Inbound HL7 V3 Deferred Collaboration Overview

The Inbound HL7 V3 Collaboration, jcdHL7V3DeferredInbound, contains Message Libraries for the HL7 V3 Resource Adapter, JMS Data, JMS Journal, JMS Error, and JMS APP ACK as well as the HL7 V3 Patient Administration Domain Interaction Event (PRPA_IN403001UV01) and the corresponding HL7 V3 Commit Acknowledgement (MCCI_IN000006UV01) and Application Acknowledgement (MCCI_IN000007UV01). The Collaboration works with its own internal code and the Properties Configuration files.

Note –

Deferred mode contains the following two types of Acknowledgement Message Libraries:

The above JCD (jcdHL7V3DeferredInbound) will also work for both immediate mode and deferred mode.

The following topics describe the business logic defined in the jcdHL7V3DeferredInbound Collaboration:

HL7 V3 Standard Inbound Message Mode Data Flow (For Deferred Mode of ACK Process) — Part 1

A HL7 V3 message triggers an inbound Collaboration received from an external system or an outbound HL7 V3 Client. The Collaboration calls the HL7 V3 user Collaboration rule by executing receive().

The receive method is the entry point to the HL7 V3 User Collaboration, with the following signature:

public void
receive( input, otdJMS_DATA,
xsd.hl7v3.PRPA_IN403001UV01.PRPA_IN403001UV01_  otd_PRPA_IN403001UV01_1
xsd.hl7v3.MCCI_IN000004UV01.MCCI_IN000004UV01_  otd_MCCI_IN000004UV01
xsd.hl7v3.MCCI_IN000006UV01.MCCI_IN000006UV01_  otd_MCCI_IN000006UV01
xsd.hl7v3.MCCI_IN000007UV01.MCCI_IN000007UV01_  otd_MCCI_IN000007UV01 otdJMS_APPACK 
otdHL7_ACK_1, otdJMS_JOURNAL, otdJMS_ERROR) throws Throwable.

Note –

The above text is wrapped to fit the page.

Once the message is received, the Collaboration determines whether the message needs to be validated. The HL7 V3 message is then validated, making sure that the message structure is correct. Various fields in the Transmission Wrapper of the message are also validated, such as Version Code, Processing Code, Processing Mode Code, and Interaction ID. If these fields do not match the configuration, a NAK is returned.

If sequence numbering is enabled the Collaboration checks to see if the messages sequence number is valid. If the sequence number is not valid, the adapter sends a NAK. The validated HL7 V3 message moves on to processInitialHandshake().

Figure 17 Deferred Mode of ACK Process — Part 1

Deferred Mode of ACK Process — Part 1

HL7 V3 Standard Inbound Message Mode Data Flow (For Deferred Mode of ACK Process) — Part 2

The Collaboration receives the HL7 V3 message from the external using receiveHL7message(). If an exception occurs due to incomplete data, and the adapter fails to read the data within the configured number of retries, the associated recourse action is taken. If the exception is due to no response, the associated recourse action is taken.

If no exception occurs, validateHL7Message() is called, which validates the message to determine whether to ACK or NAK the message. Other helper methods are also called to validate the HL7 V3 message.

If the HL7 V3 message passes validation, the Collaboration calls makeCommitAck() and sendHL7CommitAck() to create and send the Commit ACK (MCCI_IN000006UV01) to the external. It then calls journalHL7AppAck() to create Application ACK (MCCI_IN000007UV01) and store it into the JMS.

Figure 18 Deferred Mode of ACK Process — Part 2

Deferred Mode of ACK Process — Part 2

HL7 V3 Standard Inbound Message Mode Data Flow (For Deferred Mode of ACK Process) — Part 3

After the Commit ACK is sent and the Application ACK is stored in JMS, the HL7 V3 message and the ACKs are journaled to the JMS queue journal destination. If the message fails to journal the associated recourse action is taken.

Figure 19 Deferred Mode of ACK Process — Part 3

Deferred Mode of ACK Process — Part 3