Sun Adapter for TCP/IP HL7 User's Guide

TCPIP Inbound Settings - Server Port Binding — TCP/IP HL7 V2 Inbound Adapter

The following table lists and describes the properties that appear on the Server Port Binding page of the Properties Editor accessed from the Connectivity Map. The properties define the server port binding retry options. This section is only used when the Connection Type under TCPIP Inbound Settings is set to Server.

Table 4 Connectivity Map - TCPIP Inbound Settings - Server Port Binding



Max Binding Retry

The maximum number of times the adapter attempts to bind to the specified TCP/IP port on the localhost. This value must be an integer. 

Retry Binding Interval

The length of time (in milliseconds) the adapter waits between attempts to bind to the specified TCP/IP port on the localhost.