Sun Adapter for TCP/IP HL7 User's Guide

HL7 Acknowledgment — TCP/IP HL7 V2 Outbound Adapter

The following table lists and describes the properties that appear on the HL7 Acknowledgment page of the Properties Editor accessed from the Connectivity Map. These properties define how the application acknowledgment events are handled.

Table 20 Connectivity Map - HL7 Acknowledgement



Acknowledgment Level

An indicator of whether the external application sends an Acknowledgement after successfully receiving a message, or after the message has been successfully committed to the application database. Select one of the following options: 

  • A – Application acknowledgment. The acknowledgement is sent after the message is successfully and functionally processed by one receiving system.

  • C – Commit (accept) acknowledgment. The acknowledgement is sent when the message is successfully received.

eGate Sends App Acks

An indicator of whether the outbound Collaboration is in outbound delayed ACK mode; that is, the outbound adapter connects to an external system that communicates as a Delayed ACK receiver and sends two ACKs to the adapter. Select one of the following options: 

  • true – Indicates that the adapter is expecting a Delayed ACK (two ACKS).

  • false – Indicates that the adapter does not expect a Delayed ACK.

Forward External Acks

An indicator of whether the HL7 application acknowledgment is forwarded to the application server. When an HL7 application acknowledgment is received, it is sometimes necessary to forward the contents of the HL7 application acknowledgment to the application server (as data). This property is used for outbound Collaboration code. 

Select true if the adapter forwards HL7 application acknowledgments from the external system to the application server for processing; otherwise select false.

Timeout For Delayed Ack

A number indicating the timeout value for delayed ACK in milliseconds. This property is used in the outbound Collaboration code.