Sun Adapter for TCP/IP HL7 User's Guide

General Inbound Settings — TCP/IP HL7 V3 Inbound Adapter

The following table lists and describes the TCP/IP HL7 V3 inbound adapter properties that appear on the General Inbound Settings page of the Properties Editor accessed from the Connectivity Map.

Table 27 Connectivity Map - General Inbound Settings (V3)



Max Data Size

A number that indicates the maximum amount of data that the programs can hold internally. The valid range is a numeric value from 1 to 2147483647 bytes (2GB), which is the maximum value of a Java integer.

Scope Of State

The scope of the state object, which is a Message Library node. Select one of the following options for this property: 

  • Resource Adapter Level – The state has the same life cycle as the resource adapter.

  • Connection Level – The state has the same life cycle as the connection.

  • OTD Level – The state has the same life cycle as the Message Library object.

    This scope represents the life cycle of the state.

Dedicated Session Mode

An indicator of whether the server Dedicated Session Mode is enabled. When the server Dedicated Session Mode is enabled, the current client’s request exclusively holds the server port to which it connects. The next client’s request to the same port is blocked or rejected until the previous request concludes and releases the connection. 

Select true to enable the Dedicated Session Mode, or select false to disable the Dedicated Session Mode.