Sun Adapter for TCP/IP HL7 User's Guide

General Outbound Settings — TCP/IP HL7 V3 Outbound Adapter

The following table lists and describes the TCP/IP HL7 V3 outbound adapter properties that appear on the General Outbound Settings page of the Properties Editor accessed from the Connectivity Map.

Table 41 Connectivity Map - General Outbound Settings (V3)



Max Data Size

A number that indicates the maximum amount of data that the programs can hold internally. The valid range is a numeric value from 1 to 2147483647 bytes (2GB), which is the maximum value of a Java integer.

Scope Of State

The scope of the state object, which is a Message Library node. Select one of the following options for this property: 

  • Resource Adapter Level – The state has the same life cycle as the resource adapter.

  • Connection Level – The state has the same life cycle as the connection.

  • OTD Level – The state has the same life cycle as the Message Library object.

    This scope represents the life cycle of the state.