The Adapter can be configured to send failed or skipped messages (destined for the external system) to a JMS-based error queue. Messages that fail validation are also written to the error queue. Note that the inbound mode of the Adapter will not write messages that fail the MLLP and HLLP validation. These are automatically NAKed and not passed to the Collaboration, but are logged to the Adapter’s log file.
The failed or skipped message is written to the JMS queue and the error type and message are written as the JMS properties:
Error: the actual error message or NAK
Error Type: the type of error, such as HL7_NAK_error or HL7_Validation_error.
Skipped messages are those which are continuously NAKed by the external system and thus are skipped if the Adapter is configured accordingly. If the Adapter is configured for any other recourse action other than skip, the message remains in the queue.