Sun Adapter for TCP/IP HL7 User's Guide

Outbound Delayed ACK Role

The following steps describe the outbound delayed acknowledgement role process displayed:

  1. The outbound Adapter, which is configured as Delayed Acknowledgement role, receives a message from JMS, and sends the message to the External System.

  2. The External System receives the message and returns the first Acknowledgement to the outbound Adapter with an MSA - 5, value “D” for Delayed Acknowledgement. The outbound Adapter receives the ACK, validates the ACK (verifying that it is a Delayed ACK), and waits for another ACK.

  3. The outbound Adapter receives another HL7 ACK message (the second) and validates that the second HL7 ACK message is an MSA - 5, with a value of “F.” If the second ACK is valid, the Adapter commits the message, otherwise it resends the message.