Sun Adapter for TCP/IP HL7 User's Guide

Inbound Receiver Message Mode

The Inbound Receiver Message mode is used when the Delayed ACK is configured to fulfill the role of the Receiver in the Delayed ACK scenario. It accepts the message and acknowledges the External and then forwards the message to the component fulfilling the Forwarder role. It then accepts the ACK from the Forwarder and passes it on to the External that sent the message.

    The following steps describe the Inbound Forward Message Role:

  1. The Sender External, sends an HL7 message to the Inbound Adapter, which is configured as a Receiver (Sends App Acks is enabled).

  2. The Inbound Adapter receives the HL7 message and returns the first Acknowledgement to the External with an MSA - 5, value “D” for Delayed Acknowledgement. The External receives the ACK, validates the ACK (verifying that it is a Delayed ACK), and waits for another ACK.

  3. The Inbound Adapter creates a JMS message with the HL7 message as the payload, creates a “reply to” destination, and forwards the HL7 message to the Outbound Forwarder (to a JMS destination).

  4. The Outbound Forwarder gets the HL7 message and forwards the message to the External System.

  5. The External System receives the HL7 message and returns the HL7 ACK message to the Outbound Forwarder.

  6. The Outbound Forwarder gets the HL7 ACK message and sends it to the Inbound Receiver Adapter using the “reply to” destination.

  7. The Receiver External reads the HL7 ACK message and forwards the second HL7 ACK message with an MSA - 5, value “F”to the Sender External. The Sender External then takes the appropriate action: for example, journaling the HL7 message and the HL7 ACK.