Sun Adapter for TCP/IP HL7 User's Guide

ProcedureModifying Adapter Properties in the Connectivity Map

  1. From the Connectivity Map, double-click the Adapter icon located in the link between the TCP/IP HL7 External Application and the Service.

    The Adapter Properties Editor appears, and displays either inbound or outbound properties depending on the link to the Service.

  2. In the explorer panel on the left of the Properties Editor, expand the tree until you see the category you want to modify and then select that category.

    For example, to modify server port binding properties, expand TCPIP Inbound Settings and then select Server Port Binding.

  3. Modify a property by either selecting a new value from a drop-down list (if available) or by typing a new value in the property field.

    Tip –

    Click on the ellipsis button next to a property field to open a separate configuration dialog box. This is helpful for large values that cannot be fully displayed in the property field. Enter the property value in the dialog box and click OK. The value appears in the parameter’s property field.

  4. (Optional) To record notes and information about the currently selected property, click inside the Comments box in the lower left of the editor and enter the text.

    This information is saved for future reference.

  5. When you are done configuring the properties, click OK.