Sun Adapter for TCP/IP HL7 User's Guide

API for Schematron Validation

The HL7 Adapter includes an API specific to schematron validation. This API is a wrapper of the Open source XSLT-based API available at The API is an XSL file called metastylesheet (skeleton1-5.xsl). Applying the metastylesheet to the schematron XML document generates another XSL file. This XSL file can be applied to the input XML document to validate, which produces the output XML document that contains the results of the validation. This document can be embedded inside the V3 acknowledgement and can be sent to the original sender.

The metastylesheet can be extended and overridden so that you can customize the output XML document.


The following is an example of an output document generated after invoking the API using the XML input document and the schematron validation document described above.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<schematron-output phase="#ALL" schemaVersion="" title="" xmlns:
<active-pattern name="Check structure"/>
<fired-rule context="Person" id="" role=""/>
<failed-assert id="" role="" test="@Title" location="/@Person[1]">
<text>The element Person must have a Title attribute</text>